How To Increase Height After 21 For Boys Through Yoga?

Through yoga, every kind of disease can be cured. You can also increase your height through yoga. Even after the completion of 21 years of age, the physical development is not happening properly then yoga can help in increasing the length. So, let's know how to increase height after 21 for boys.


Yoga has a huge contribution to keeping the body healthy. If yoga is practiced regularly then many diseases get relief. Doing not only diseases but also doing various asanas of yoga also brings flexibility in the body which helps in increasing the length.


  • To perform the activity of lying down on the ground, lie straight.

  • Keeping the legs connected, lift them upwards slowly.

  • Support the elbows on the ground by holding the waist with both hands.

  • Keep the part of the legs above the waist straight. Keep your head on the ground.

  • Stay in this position for at least one minute.

  • The time period for doing this asana can be extended by practicing slowly.


This asana is very beneficial for increasing the length of children.


  • To do this, stand up straight with both legs together.

  • Breathing in, move both hands straight up.

  • Both your hands should be adjacent to the ear.

  • Keeping both hands aligned, tilt the upper part of the waist to the right.

  • After stopping a little, come back to the previous position again.

  • Once again, take a breath and repeat the same sequence to the left.

  • Keeping both arms straight as before, bend first in front and then back.

  • Thus, bending around, do a complete circle.


If the length of the children is not increasing, then doing Bhujangasana will benefit.


To do this yoga, lie down on your stomach with the mouth facing downwards in a flat position.

  • Leave all body parts loose.

  • Then pull the toes outward.

  • Keep both legs together.

  • Bringing the palms of both hands back equal to the chest, in such a way that the elbows stick to the ground.

  • After this, raise the elbows slowly.

  • Also, while inhaling, raise the chest slowly by stretching the neck forward.

  • While raising the torso, open the elbows.

  • Lift the torso up to the navel.

  • Try to lift the neck and chest as much as possible.

  • Stay in this position for a while.

  • Then come back while exhaling and leave all the limbs loose.


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