
Showing posts from July, 2020

Yoga Videos - Find the Best Yoga Videos For You

Yoga videos are a great thing for anyone who wants to study and learn yoga in the comfort of their own home. In addition, many yoga videos are great for parents and children to do together. If you have thought about trying yoga, but you have not made the leap yet, then it's time to give yoga a try with yoga videos. If you are not completely sure, you can always check out a few yoga videos from your library; to find out if this is something that you would like to do. There are also kid's yoga videos, if you want to get your children involved - this would be an excellent option. Please keep in mind to ask your physician before starting any type of exercise plan (such as yoga). Online Yoga Videos There are also online yoga videos available, if you know where to look - but the problem with these are you really don't want to work on your yoga poses in your office. Yoga video libraries feature many of the important aspects of yoga such as 1.) breathing, 2.) exercises (asanas or p...

Exploring the Different Types of Yoga

Yoga is generally understood as a process of unification. This unification is multifaceted. In one dimension, it is a unification of the various systems that exist within the human being including the emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual systems. In total there are believed to be five different systems within human life. These are typically referred to as the koshas which are the physical, energetic, mental, subtle, and bliss sheaths. In our current understanding of yoga, we are working to unify these five bodies or layers of the human being.   Another process of unification occurs between of the individual consciousness and the universal consciousness. This unification is often referred to as Samadhi and is one of the primary transformations that occur within the practice of yoga. Observing this from a different angle, Samadhi is a transformation of perception in which disillusionments about the world are reformed so that the truth behind reality can be seen in its pure...

Yoga for Sinusitis

Immune system plays an important role in the prevention of colds and nasal allergies. Yog Mudra and breathing exercises can improve breathing, reduce tension and stress, and support the immune system. If ling mudra is practised daily, for some time, along with a proper practise of Pranayama etc, then various incurable disease of the Chest can be healed  types of bhastrika pranayama . Pranayama Deep breathing techniques like Bhastrika helps in inhaling more oxygen into the lungs, which helps in alleviating colds, congestion, and sinus. This pranayama naturally massages the airway and strengthens the neck tissues. And clear the spasm caused by the excess neck tissues. Process: • Go in an open air. • Start to inhale and exhale through nose rapidly for half to one minute, relax for few seconds and repeat. • In this pranayama kriya there is no restrain of breath. This pranayama kriya can be repeated for around 7-8 times but should be done before meal. Rapid Sun Breathing. Process: • Go ...

About the Sun Salutation Pose

Also known as Surya Namaskara, the sun salutation is an older form of Indian exercise that is usually practiced as a way of honoring the sun. The pose combines worship, motion, and prayer. It has 12 poses that are done together in order to achieve the desired results. When you are in a yoga class, you can do the pose as a warm up exercise or you can do it as the main exercise. When used as a warm-up exercise, it aids in producing energy thus warming up the body. As a result of this, your body is prepared for the next poses to come  surya bhedana pranayama contraindications . To prepare the body, this pose produces energy that increases blood flow in the muscles thus establishing a rhythm for the whole yoga practice. When you are doing the pose for warm-up purposes, you only do it for just a small amount of time. On the other hand, when you do the sun salutation as the main exercise, you do it for a longer time flame. Doing the pose as the main exercise helps you to build body stren...